July 5, 2011

Facebook user growth has slowed, but what about Facebook games?

 Hey, it had to happen at some point, right? Inside Facebook reports that, for the second month in a row, Facebook's growth has slowed down as it nears 700 million users worldwide. However, most of those new users are coming from developing countries that have just gained access to the social network, while countries that have enjoyed sharing every detail of their lives for years now are actually losing users.

For instance, Inside Facebook calculates that the U.S. alone lost some 6 million users in May, while overall growth has decline from 13.9 million new users in April to 11.8 million in May. That's the first time Facebook has lost users in the past year, though other countries have experienced somewhat similar situations, all of which you can check out in detail here. And while it's far too early to pin the nail in the Facebook coffin--this isn't MySpace we're talking about here (zing!)--it is cause for concern.

Companies that have invested millions if not billions in Facebook games like Zynga and EA might want to at least have their ears to the ground on this one. Though according to AppData, Zynga has experienced a small growth spurt in the past 30 days to 259.3 million monthly players, as EA has maintained its 32 million monthly players pretty easily over the same time.

Regardless of what might be happening to Facebook overall, this doesn't seem to be any cause for game developers to enter panic mode just yet. And besides, there's always iPhones and Android phones to fall back on--those things are selling faster than hot dogs wrapped in free money.

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