June 4, 2010

Get free Token and Emblem through Clicksia

100% Working

if you want to get the token and emblem for free?
actually very easy way.
This way is quite complicated but guaranteed success

Here we only point you get paid to sign up on sites provided Clicksia.
and each of us to register a site then we will be $ 0.1 - $0.5
so if we count it this way:

every day we provided 20 sites paid to sign up.
so if a day we managed to sign up at 20 sites provided then we will get a $ 2

Paid to sign up 20 X 10 Day = $ 20

but not excited, not that easy, because each paid to sign ups you do not just complete the payment. because clicksia first check whether it is really you who signed up. This process will take 48 hours. so every one site that paid you to sign-up finish earned by Clicksia then you will get a $ 0.1 - $0.5

so if in a day paid to sign up for 10 then you received this calculation:

10 Paid to sign up X 20 Day = $20 /20 days

and to buy a Emblem, we need funds amounting to $ 19.99 right? and if
you use the results of your work in Clicksia you still have a remaining balance
amounted to $ 20 for 20 days ago, you can also make money to your bank account
do you have tablets, or it may be to buy a token Ninja Saga. and you will become the strongest and richest Ninja ..

Just can not believe you just follow the tutorial under here

1. First of all, you guys must have a Payment account

you can use PayPal or AlertPay.
I would suggest better use AlertPay, as has been verified.
if you do not have an Payment account, you can get it here:

Click Here to register PayPal.
Click here to Register AlertPay

if you already have a paypal account? go straight to the second stage.
Make sure your Payment account is Verified.

2. Create New Clicksia Account

Register here www.clicksia.com, or Clik banner below.

How do I work from Clicksia

  1. Register here www.clicksia.com, And then click Join or Create Account. fill in all the forms to complete.

  2. Open your email, if there is an incoming message from Clicksia? if there was just opened. Then Click the confirmation link.

  3. Login using your username and password that you created earlier, and mark an inverted image. then click Access Accounts.

  4. After you have successfully entered into your account panel, click the "Earning Area".

  5. Earning Area on there four options to increase revenue, but I will only describe the two options just because it's the easiest.

    - The first one is Paid To Click .

    the point is that we will each of us paid advertisement provided mngklik.

    1. Click mouse like the following picture.

    2. Select the ad you click. do have the price of each ad is different,
    ranging from $ 0001 - $ 0.01

    3. After advertising in the clicks, we have to wait until fully parameter like the following picture :

    4. After the parameter is fully charged, it will show some pictures. then click on the picture upside down.

    5. Congratulations you get the earnings for the total value of your choice. do this over and over again until his ads run out. usually within a day there is at least 50 ads.

    - The second is Paid To Sign Up
    the point is that we would be paid if we register on the site have been provided.
    At this stage the most I liked.

    1. Click on the pen such as the following figure :

    2. Select site and click. each site has an average value of $ 0.1

    3. After clicking the site, then you will be taken to a new page. then click the "Link" that has been provided. And you will be taken to a site. Here we are required to register, will not be the most just 3 minutes long.
    Once your registration is complete, open your email if there is a message from the registration earlier. if any, you open the message and you fill all these messages (unless you do not have a password).
    Next, return to the previous page. Please enter your username in the registration on this site. and the messages did you copy and then paste in the column you Exstra information. and click "Submit"

    6. After successful registration you just wait to see if you are accepted or not. x24 longest hours.

    to see offrers you've received or did not, click on "Offers History"

    7. Complete all registration, so if you managed to finish 20th in a day and accepted the registration, then you will get $ 2 or equivalent 400Token. what if aggregated with the results of the Paid To Click, maybe in a day you can get more or less 500Token.

  6. Then how do we get a Token or Emblem?
    Calm friends do not rush your time. Now back to your account panel. click on "CashOut"
    Then select a payment method, select PayPal. Make sure your Payment account is Verified, Next enter your paypal email. and click Submit.
    Or if you Unverified PayPal account, you can cashout using Verified AlertPay Account.

  7. Now you are just waiting for those funds into your paypal account. more or less take a minimum of 7 days.

    Relax is guaranteed success, because I had to prove myself.
    I only fill 11 Paid To Sign Up and then I withdraw it.
    After two days the funds were Going to my paypal account
    Here's proof that I receive payment :

  8. Once payment has been entered into your PayPal or AlertPay account, you can read here how to buy a token and emblem with PayPal.
    Or read here how to buy a token and emblem with AlertPay.

  9. Ta...Ta.... Now you've managed to get a token or emblem ^_^

If there is not yet clear, do not shy to ask.
Please write your comments below.

TIPS from Me :

1. Make sure you have 10 or more email.
2. Offer the same if there is more good then we register again with another email.
because if you use the same email confirmation of the Offer you will be automatically rejected.
There is like the same offer as much as five times from Neobux. then you must register using 5 different email.

3. do not use the same Email Confirmation to complete offer

that's the main key to Offer you received

Make sure your PayPal account Verified.
Click here to find out how to verify Paypal
or Click here to Get Verified AlertPay.

Indonesia Only


Unknown said...

my money just 0.22,00 ineed more.how i can get ?

Ardi said...

you can share ur link refferal to get downline

This comment has been removed by the author.

and ....

Ardi said...

Looks like no one has to use the features of Paid To Sign up for ya???
yet it is very potential to earn $ $ $


Sepertinya belum ada yang menggunakan fitur Paid To Sign up ya???
padahal itu sangat berpotensi untuk mendapatkan $$$

Unknown said...


Ardi said...

Congrulation to kiki_dmusicboys already succeeded in getting $ 1.1 will even continue to grow.
once able to buy decent Token

JUST RUDY said...

dlam brapa hri hsil paid to click d krimkan ke account paypal kita??

Unknown said...

bagaimana cara mendapatkan token dengan mudah

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